Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, we accept same-day orders directly made with our Makati Branch. Please take note that all same-day orders are subject to the availability of our products. All orders made online are for next day delivery or pick-up and advanced orders only. Cut-off time for next day delivery or pick-up is 11AM*

*Some of our products require at least two (2) days lead time. Kindly read the descriptions of each to confirm.


Customers will be responsible for booking couriers for delivery orders. We will provide the exact address and delivery details to our Makati Branch upon confirmation of payment.

Feel free to message us on any of our social media accounts. You may also contact our Makati branch directly at (02) 8-8439021 or (02) 8-8438086.


Dimpy’s Kitchen is located at Dasmariñas Village, Makati City. We are open from 8AM until 8PM! Our second branch will be at Aguirre St., BF Homes Parañaque—stay tuned for our opening!

You may view our full menu by navigating through our homepage:

You may contact our Makati Branch at 8-8439021 or 8-843808. You may also place your orders online through our website (

Yes, we do bulk orders! Given the capacity of our kitchen, bulk orders are all orders with a total bill of P5,000 and above. All bulk orders must be placed at least three (3) days in advance.

Yes, we can do short notes for you. Please include this in the notes section of your order.


For Deliveries and Store Pick-Ups, we accept Bank Transfers, GCash, and Credit Card. We also accept cash on pick-up at our Makati Branch.